Country #45 Bahrain 🇧🇭

Since the last gym was just some outdoor machines that nobody ever used in the desert heat I have not gotten much exercise in and there is a gym here so it’s time to get my cardio going again with a 3.5 km run on the treadmill and then a dip in the pool to relax afterwards . Both facilities here are fantastic and I took full advantage of them before retreating for a pre skate nap . When I woke up I spoke to Adil who was in contact with one of the goalies here named Yusuf Baqer who I was put in contact with and found out he is not able to play so this is my opening to get on the ice ! 

They have a four team league here in Bahrain and they play in a rink called Funland . When I called my Uber a taxi arrived ? Apparently Uber and taxi is the same thing …. Ok that works for me since I’ve always had issues fitting my gear in some Uber rides so getting a taxi at an Uber rate is a total bonus since taxis always have big trunks . The other bonus is that in traffic there is no meter running and the set price is set in stone and of course my luck would have it that I ended up in traffic as there is construction just outside the hotels property . It took twenty minutes to get out of the parking lot and I was late for my meetup with Same :( fortunately he was understanding and when I arrived at the rink I got to chatting with a couple guys who play for the national team here . I really should take notes to remember names but it’s hard when trying to live in the moment . So I’m sorry if I forgot your names :(

One of the guys I hung out with was Andrew who is an American from Michigan and works for the US Armed forces . Not sure in what capacity but he was a good guy and he filled me in on the expat experience here . He does the skate sharpening for the guys here with his daughters helping and he also helps the guys get equipment here which probably is a big help for them since there are no hockey shops here . Now this seems to be a regular thing in most countries I visit that the expats play against the locals and from what I also experienced in Oman the expat hockey community dwindled after and during the pandemic . So the coin has turned and the locals definitely have the upper hand but the leagues have gotten smaller .

Speaking of small , the ice rink here is quite small and is suitable for three on three hockey . It’s a very liberal country here so getting down to my underwear in the public area is not frowned upon but wrapping a towel to do so is a kind gesture . Basically no dangling balls in the dressing area ok 😜 

Once I got my gear on I was told I would play for the mostly expat squad and we faced a team they previously lost to 12-4 . Let’s see if I could change that ? When I stepped on the ice immediately it felt soft , very soft ! Like there was not much glide at all and of course the heat is always a factor no matter how cold the ice is you always feel the heat and this rink totally had some heat in it . From what I was told there are puddles in the summer on the edges and they looked pretty bad but not the worst I’ve seen . Pucks definitely get stuck in the corners . 

When the game started we took an early lead and the local team played hard and very competitive ! Luckily I had a local defenseman who was willing to block shots :) his name was Abdulla and he was awesome ! Every goalie loves that guy that’s willing to break an ankle to block a shot . I did have to make some decent saves and after the first period we were winning 2-1 . The goal they scored was kinda my fault as I came out to play the puck and found out the boards are dead . When I say dead I mean I shot the puck off the boards and it was like a sponge that absorbed the pressure and dropped the puck in the spot it hit . They picked up the puck , pass across ice which I tracked and didn’t keep a pad down and snuck one by me .

The game is 3 periods with 15 minute run time per period and by the second period I was hoping it was only two periods as the heat was taking its toll but I did face a lot of rubber playing a stronger squad . My team mates were yelling at me ADRIAN and I yelled back ROCKY and we had a good time even though there was some tension in the air as the locals tried very hard to equalize the score . We took advantage of our chances and their goalie made some outstanding saves to keep the game close . It was a goalie duel for the most part . 3 on 3 hockey doesn’t mean the defense will be there as it was all 2 on 1 plays on turnovers . Offside is at center ice and there is no icing . They have one ref on the ice who is a player from another team and the timekeeper is one of the girls who I should find out if she plays hockey here . The women do have a national team also !

A couple pucks got by me and at the end of the game we won thanks to some last minute goals my team mates scored . Pretty sure the final was 5-3 but I could be wrong and honestly it doesn’t matter because in the end we all had a good time . The Bahraini guys are all competitive and I hope to get to know them a bit more at our next skate on Tuesday , we might even have some beers after that skate :)

After the game I stuck around and watched some of the next game and cheered the guys on while I chatted with some of the fellas before racing back to shower at my room before heading to McGettigans bar to watch the England match which they won . But honestly I can’t wait to play again Tuesday . That’s all that’s on my mind …. Hockey 🏒 


Loafing Around the Pool


Blending Days