
Alright yesterday was not very exciting at all . When I woke up I went for my breakfast here at Ejga Guest House and had my bacon and eggs with a cup of tea . The owners are quite nice , never really got their names but the wife is a former Olympic medallist in skiing and the husband played a high level of hockey back in the day so every morning I’ve had a chat with him about the state of hockey here and it’s a common thing where things don’t seem so positive moving forward . There just isn’t much of an economy here as there used to be with mining in decline here . Less people means less money means less reason for sponsors to spend money if they aren’t making it back . Sad but true .

I was offered the possibility of a ride to Ljubljana by one of the staff here which would save me a couple bucks so I’ve enquired about that but didn’t get a solid answer so it’s still up in the air what my plans are for the next day but today the day I’m writing about which in actuality is yesterday I did pretty much nothing . I hung out in my room relaxing because my next part of my trip will be very hectic . Going back to Birmingham where I’m sure the beers will be flowing and I’m really excited to see my wife Kathleen who I am meeting there . Yeah I kinda miss her , these small towns with not much to do can make a fella lonely .

The one thing I did do was head over to the rink for one last visit to see if I could get some stuff from the Jesenice hockey club here which is in the hockey shop called Pro Sports prosports.Si is their website and I was greeted by Miha who was more then happy to assist me with all my questions . It’s a really small shop cluttered with gear everywhere and they really need to upsize as it is busy with people popping in constantly for skate sharpening and other needs . On my way in I noticed there were gameday posters so I inquired about getting one for the game I went to and Miha contacted someone who came by with a few . They will look great in my man cave :) while I was there I also grabbed a toque (winter hat) and a pair of socks from the hockey club as memorabilia to bring home for myself . It was really nice being in the shop and it felt like one of my visits to see Fiorenzo at Toronto Hockey Repair as we chatted for a good amount of time but I didn’t want to keep him away from his work so I said goodbye and wandered around and found the local football teams pitch and took some photos before heading back to my room .

Back at the room I took a nap and basically was in a vegetative state until dinner time when I went down to the restaurant and had a nice steak . I actually ate all my meals here and was never disappointed with any of them . Inquired once more about a ride but no news so I guess I will have to wait and see . It was really nice being here but it’s time to move on to England . Can’t wait to get over there , did I say that already 😝


Birmingham - The Return


Alps Hockey League