It’s been a while…
Its been a while since I’ve done any blogging thanks to the pandemic I had to stop travelling and actually even had to stop playing hockey for quite some time . Its all good as that’s the past and we are all onto new beginnings .
With new beginnings come new adventures and as some of you have noticed my blogs will now be posted on the Beer League Hockey Hall of Fame page (BLHHOF) which two of my good friends (Chip and Stro) started and I am honoured to say I am also a member of . Please give them a follow on Instagram . These guys are amazing and truly love hockey . We are always looking for more inductees so if you know anyone worthy of being in the hall then let me or the other guys know !
Currently on a road trip with a friend/writer from The Hockey News and we are in a small town called Hawkes Bay spending the night before hitting the ice in Deer Lake tomorrow . Obviously I cant give too much away as Ronnie Shuker will be telling the story and I don’t want to give away any story lines of his . The book is gonna be great , he’s an amazing writer and I’m hoping to pick up some tips from him as we travel these Canadian roads for the next few weeks .
After this trip I will be heading to the Middle East and will try to write a daily blog of my ongoings . Hopefully I can keep you the reader entertained with my crazy stories and you can keep following along as I travel the world on my journey to get to play hockey in 50 countries before I turn 50 , yes I know I’m getting old . Currently im at 43 countries and I turn 48 next week so the plan is to get on the ice in 7 more countries over the next 2 years and a bit .
In the meantime I will post a few blogs to catch everyone up on whats going on these days . Hoping everyone that used to read my blog will start once again so we can help popularize the Beer League Hockey Hall of Fame . Honestly I thought about not blogging anymore but I figured if I can help my friends then I probably should get back to it .
So here you go ! I’m back on the road playing hockey and being The Travelling Goalie with a new platform . It feels so good to get out and meet like minded hockey lovers like myself and play the game that I love so dearly . Hopefully my stories will convince you all to go out and travel and see the world and do the things you love while travelling . It doesn’t have to be hockey , just remember there are people out there that all have the same interests and the best way to meet them is to get out there and go do it !
I’ve got to get ready now for the drive to Deer Lake . Talk soon !
The Travelling Goalie on the move…